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Braces bands color wheel

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Plus, their dodgy materials can even be toxic due to the heavy metals in them. (Kamaozaman, 2018) Braces colorsįashion braces do come in fun with the good braces colors, and may even feature cartoons on them, but they can actually cause harm to your teeth and gums by not actually doing any orthodontic work. They can be seen as a status symbol but the danger is that they may actually be made of materials that can be toxic to your health. These are not real braces and they don’t actually do anything to correct your bite or any gaps in your teeth. One thing to keep in mind, you should not be on the internet looking for fashion braces. This will have colors that are complementary and also contrast nicely.

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If you need some inspiration, you can ask your orthodontist for a braces color wheel.

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So how can you choose the best color for braces? There are a few ways you can pick out the colors you want. So what colors should you choose? You can pick whatever you want and if you don’t want that color anymore, you can change it at your next appointment in four to six weeks. Congratulations! You get to get braces! Not excited about the prospect? Did you know you can customize your look with your green braces colors? It’s true! You can get colored bands that go on the brackets in just about any color you can imagine.

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